How do I learn Amazon SageMaker?
The perspective of tinkling with over 20 distinct SageMaker services may definitely be overwhelming.
In my opinion, the easiest way to get started is by performing SageMaker Studio Immersion Day. These self-paced or instructor-led labs let you play with Amazon SageMaker by following various scenarios created by AWS.
You basically invoke commands via ready-to-use notebooks that are also explaining step by step what you're currently building.
What is the end result of this Immersion Day?
When you successfully complete this workshop, you get an overview how an end to end ML-powered project in AWS looks like. You see hands-on how do various services integrate with each other. You're also ready to build simple yet production ready projects totally on your own.
In total, you’ve used over 10 distinct SageMaker services!
There are over 10 labs available. Which labs do I perform?
The "core path" that we follow at Immersion Days that I lead is as follows:
Lab 1 with Option 3 - process data with SageMaker Processing
Lab 2 - train, optimise hyperparameters and deploy a model with SageMaker Training, SageMaker Hyperparameter Tuning and SageMaker Inference
Lab 4 - set up a debugging mechanism for training with SageMaker Debugger
Lab 4 - schedule a monitoring jobs using SageMaker Model Monitor
Lab 6 with Option 1 and then 3 - bootstrap and automate your workflows with SageMaker Projects and SageMaker Pipelines
…of course, other Labs might be valuable for you as well.
Where is this workshop available?
What else do I need? Is this a paid material?
The material is free and the only thing you need is an AWS account. Completing these labs shouldn't cost you more than a couple bucks.
Another option would be joining an AWS event (Pop-Up Hub, Summit, re:Invent) that hosts such Immersion Day and provides you with a disposable account and instructor. Alternatively, your local AWS User Group might host such an event.
This is AWS User Group Poland and me deliverying the workshop to 40+ people.
AWS User Group Wrocław also had a recent edition.
If you’re around Europe and would like to host such event, hit me directly on LinkedIn (add a note with “SageMaker Immersion Day”).
Do I need to know data science to complete this workshop?
Not really. This lab is meant to show you how to build ML projects on AWS and not how to leverage ML in general.
Oh - these labs were recently renamed to SageMaker STUDIO Immersion Day. Previously, it was just SageMaker Immersion Day.